Monday, June 8, 2009

Every Basket Tells a Story

One of the many local organizations that we are involved in is the Columbus Chapter of NAWBO (National Organization of Women Business Owners). If you are a woman business owner, this is a great group "... representing the interests of all women entrepreneurs in all industries."

Because of our creative talents, Baskets by Bonnie has been recruited to help package goods and services that are donated as a gift to new members. These baskets are a great way to highlight the various talents within our organization.

Every basket should set a scene. The following article that was submitted for publication on the NAWBO-Columbus website illustrates this idea.

Soup’s On! - June 5, 2009
by Bonnie Segel, Baskets by Bonnie

Our best-ever round of new member baskets just went out this week. Best Courier hand delivered to our local new members for April. Mary McPhail, was so delighted that she even Tweeted about it, Just got my NAWBO new membership basket! So many women-as-resources to reach out to. Thanks!”

I would agree with Mary. This gift, valued over $1,500, actually made me consider dropping my membership and rejoining so that I can get one!

If I was a new member who received this gift, I know exactly what I would do.

Refreshment Time

First, I would start with Kaira Rouda’s book The Real You Incorporated while sipping coffee out of my NAWBO mug and munching on delightful cookies (coffee & cookies from Baskets by Bonnie). As I uncover “the real me” I would sign up for Kaira’s free weekly inspirational news blast. Then I would call Meredith Liepelt at Rich Life Marketing for my client attraction strategy session and Amanda Sage at Gong Gong Communications for my free marketing evaluation.

At this point I would take my inspiration to Dee Hodgkiss at Creative Interiors to help me with a new room design that would incorporate wall graphics from Mary McPhail at Wonderful Graffiti. Next would be a wardrobe audit and makeup consultation from Donna Musilli with CAbi, and Shelly Menduni with Arbonne,. And, finally, to ensure that I have all of my ducks in a row legally and financially I would use my hour of free legal service with Caroline Worley / Anthony Law and my Living Balance sheet compliments of Andrea Nameche and Maureen Kominar.of Columbus Financial Group.

What a great way to welcome our new NAWBO sisters! Thanks to everyone who contributed.