Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Value of FaceBook

After questioning the value of having a FaceBook page for Baskets by Bonnie, we finally took the plunge a few months ago.

The tipping point was when we were testing new cheeses for our shop. I was really excited about a few of the choices and posted a photo on my personal FaceBook account. I was amazed at the number of friends that were interested and had an epiphany.  FaceBook is perfect to post pictures and short updates that don't warrant a blog post or newsletter.

It was relatively simple to set up. What to post, how often and if our customers would  find this useful were some of my concerns. I was also worried about redundancy with our website and blog. We were reluctant to beg friends and customers to become "Fans" & "Like" us. However, we remained open-minded.

A little over a week ago, on a whim, I posted a quick photo of Matt wrapping a basket for a custom order.
After posting and "tweeting", we had a good laugh and forgot about it.

Yesterday while taking a phone order from a new customer, I asked how she had found us.

After the usual response of "I found you from the web", she added that she had looked at a couple of websites.
Aside from being impressed with our assortment, she was sold from our FaceBook page; specifically "Matt in Motion". The picture conveyed the idea that we made each basket to order and could customize.

I couldn't wait to tell my staff. After a few chuckles at Matt's expense, I had a shift in my attitude. A simple phone call had turned me from skeptic to advocate.

Status Update: I'm a "Born-Again FaceBook Fan"

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